Diamonds Lost and Found

At dawn the sea dons jewels that sparkle bright
and twinkle with reflection from the sun,
Each swell a diamond shifting with the light,
Each crest a necklace, gems with silver spun.

But should the smiling sun once hide her face
the diamonds, jewels and silver are all lost.
Of sparkling elegance there’s now no trace,
like winter’s drizzling grey dispelling frost.

By evening woodland creatures go to ground
but sunlight gives the sea a final wink.
The diamonds that were lost may now be found
as sunset paints the jewels a rosy pink.

The beauty of the jewel-clad ocean waves
can lift the hearts of emperors or slaves.

by Helen Parker

Helen Parker loves words: reading, writing, teaching English to speakers of other languages, polishing her French, Italian and German. She taught for 5 years in Egypt – Arabic is a beautiful language, but a bridge too far to achieve fluency!

photo by: Merve